Start At The Beginning

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Author's Bias | Interpretation: conservative | Inclination: promise | Seminary: none

In the beginning...

To understand and appreciate what happens in the end, Revelation, in essence, is the conclusion to the Pentateuch. The complete history of mankind, from beginning to end, illustrates the elegance and literary beauty of God's personal testimony to Moses (Ex 17:14; 24:3-7, 12; 34:27-28; Deut 28:58-61; 31:24-26).

God tells Moses of the goodness of Creation: the creation of the heavens and the earth, the creation of man in His own image, both male and female, and the use of angelic beings to mediate His interactions with human beings.

God tells Moses of Man's corruption of His image: the introduction of death and condemnation of all mankind, banishment from the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life, and the curse of the earth.

God tells Moses of His plan for salvation through His covenant with Abraham.

God tells Moses His definition of faith through the covenant He makes with the nation of Israel from Mt. Sinai (Ex 19:3-9).

The rest of the Old Testament, written by the Holy Spirit, is about God's lovingkindness (covenant fidelity) and His New Covenant because of man's infidelity.

And the New Testament is about Jesus Christ the mediator of the New Covenant: Messiah, King, and Judge.

For deeper study:

Divine Covenants… the basis for a plan of salvation

What is the Doctrine of Imputed Sin?

Series: The Doctrine on Eschatology
The Consequence

Series: The Doctrine on Eschatology
The Prophet

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